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Entering 2025: What is ours today? Meeting the Future. Now.

I took this photo on 31 December near the Similauen glacier. At an altitude of 2,300 metres, I said goodbye to the old year and dared to look ahead to 2025. Given my fear of heights, it was a moment that was only possible because I was prepared to get out of my (Christmas) comfort zone and go to a place where I could be completely with myself, connected with those who accompanied me, but also connected with nature and yes, the universe. And a place to strengthen my intentions for 2025: Finding and creating places to rekindle (y)our superpowers!

In view of the first few days of this year – especially considering the current political challenges in Austria – we will be moving into a world that will be even more characterised by uncertainty, contradictions and perhaps even chaos.

How do we deal with this?

To quote Otto Scharmer:

Our number one challenge isn’t diversity loss, climate change, polarization, societies falling apart, or AI. It is our widespread illusion of insignificance – the belief that there is nothing we can do about it. Surveys show that more than two-thirds of people worldwide feel a loss of agency in our collective decision-making.

How can we respond in ways that are more resilient, regenerative and transformative?

Rekindling our superpowers!

By this Scharmer means our unique human capacity to align attention, intention and agency. This allows us to co-create and to bring our highest future potential into reality both individually and collectively.
In 2024 I witnessed on many occasions how creating the right spaces unleashes extraordinary energy and agency within teams and beyond. It’s more than just giving leaders and their teams tools. It’s about creating spaces, to be able to step back and sense and connect with others.

Moving into 2025, knowing that we will face more substantial challenges, together with my team I will continue to work on rekindling (y)our superpowers!

Wishing you love and light for the new year!